D.C. Testimonials


“The Inner Journey Intensive was life changing!  I’ve syed-amiryattended many seminars, but this is the best seminar I’ve ever taken, as nothing has ever opened my heart and soul like this. It so quickly goes to the two most important things in our lives: Love and Connection. Because it has made such a profound difference in my life, I encourage my patients and friends to attend.  

Dr. Syed A. Amiry – Dermatologist, VA



“At the Inner Journey, I came in touch with a partChristina Profile of myself that allows the flow of  intuition, higher power, compassion, and femininity. After the intensive, I was able to release the “having to do it all on my own” mentality and have been able to let others contribute to me.  This shift has made possible the formation of my new business, and most importantly, a new relationship and marriage to the man of my dreams! The effects of the Inner Journey and its community continue to influence and enrich my life every single day.”  

Christina Baldwin – Realtor – Arlington, VA


“As a refugee kid who 10171912_10152027498176517_7171257038865200161_nresided in different countries and
was uprooted several times,  I suffered from PTSD.  It’s a miracle, I have re-found myself with the help of this work. The Inner Journey gave me unconditional love, understanding, courage and built my confidence to be myself.  I feel like the IJ family not only made me aware that I have wings, but have also taught me how to fly. Therefore, I am soaring!”

Durkhanai Ranzooryar-Sherdel – Wellness Coach – Chantilly, VA


“I’ve worked with Michaal and Neelama over the last 5 years, and working with them is like a psychological and spiritual tune up! I always come away with practical steps to address issues in my life, which has helped me achieve my goals and feel happier and healthier in the process. Their work has had a cumulative effect that has greatly enhanced my life skills and capabilities.”
Kevin F. - Management Consultant - Washington, DC