A Journey into healing and honoring
the relationship with your family of origin
We all share one common human experience:
We are born into a family.
This program is a profound opportunity to explore and heal the relationship to your family of origin. In our work with thousands of people we’ve seen time and again that this relationship is one of the core factors that defines our life.
Why is healing the relationship with our family of origin so crucial?
The relationship with our parents:
It has been proven over and over, that to come into one’s own, the ‘doorway’ goes through the healing with one’s parents. If one has not truly healed the relationship with one’s parents, it is difficult to live a fully expressed and abundant life.
The relationship with the parent of the same gender:
A woman who is not connected to her mother may have challenges accessing her own femininity. A man who rejects his father, or rebels against him, may struggle to find expression and success in the material world.
The connection to our lineage:
What happened in prior generations has an impact on your family system now. We are figuratively standing on the shoulders of our ancestors and the wounds and pains of these ancestors are often taken on by following generations. We are all part of a lineage.
The relationship to one’s sibling/s:
Our relationship to our siblings in our family of origin impacts often our relationship with colleagues at work, and with friends and often shows up in tense and struggling relationships between the grown up adult siblings.
What are the benefits of participating in The Family Constellation Journey?
- Improve relationships with your family of origin and your current family.
- Grow in your career and enhance your creativity.
- Feel connected and supported.
- Experience relationships that bring satisfaction and fulfillment.
- Experience more physical vitality and energy.
- Reconnect with deeper aspects of yourself.
- Positively effect individuals, communities, and organizations.
Anyone can benefit: couples, families and individuals that are interested in solving serious issues and developing a new, expanded life perspective.
The Family Constellation Journey is based on the principles of Family Constellation Work developed by the German Psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in combination with the methodology of the Inner Journey Work developed by Michael Schiesser.
Upcoming Event:
Date: Nov. 19-20, 2022
Fort Lauderdale, FL (This course is non-residential and participants bring their own lunch).
$ 350 for participants (max. 10) and $ 125 for observers
Michael Gough at 954-607-8963 or email: mgough07@gmail.com
Registration and payment:
By submitting payment you will be automatically registered.
Option 1: Venmo Name: Michael-Schiesser-1
Option 2: Paypal: michaelijs@gmail.com (Use ‘friends’ option or add 3% for paypal fee
Michael Schiesser, Inner Journey Creator and IJI Founder assisted by Michael Gough
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